For Atlanta Music Guide:
Live Review: Starfucker @ Drunken Unicorn, April 24
After two-piece Guidance Counselor, who shared drummer Keil Corcoran with the headliners, played to a moderate Saturday night crowd, the aforementioned headliners took the stage without all the attention-grubbing, social climbing behavior their band’s name might suggest. Leaving affectation at the door, Portland quartet Starfucker humbly launched into a mixture of tracks from their self-titled debut and from their forthcoming eight-song record Jupiter, out next month via Badman Recording Co.
Starfucker plays pop, the kind that relies heavily on synthesizer melodies, dance hall beats, bouncing guitar hooks and Josh Hodges’ breathy vocals, and the Unicorn was absolutely full of all of it. Though certainly not the only song with a transcendent, shiny dance vibe to it, the standout of the night had to be “Laadeedaa,” from Starfucker. It features a repetitive guitar riff that’s got a frantic, too-quick quality about it, to the point that when I heard the first notes of the song, my curiosity turned toward whether they’d be able to pull it off faithfully live. But pull it off they did (I made sure to watch the guitarist’s fingers to suss out whether the riffs were pre-recorded or not), along with feats from all of their other compositions, all performed enthusiastically to a boogeying audience...[Read more]
[MP3] Starfucker - "Myke Ptsyson"