Thursday, April 30, 2009

Phosphorescent + Willie Nelson = BFF

I wonder if, when Phosphorescent released their To Willie album earlier this year, Matthew Houck imagined that it would reach the ears of Willie Nelson himself. Or, moreover, that Nelson would enjoy it and approach him.

Well, whether he foresaw it or not, that's exactly what has happened. Not only did Houck and his band attend a Willie Nelson show recently and get invited onto the tour bus to meet the family, etc. (Houck gushes about it here), but they've also been summoned to perform on "Willie's Place," Nelson's Sirius radio show in honor of his birthday. It'll air today at 9 p.m. EST on Sirius Radio channel 64 and XM 13.

Most awesomely for Phos, here's the promo for the appearance Willie recorded.

1 comment:

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Just stopping by to say Hi!Enjoyed seeing you the other day!...Mrs.P